Mobile application promotion service

Promote your iOS and Android applications to the TOP in search. Buy unlimited keyword installs of your app
in more than 200 countries for Android.
The biggest amount of GEOs and high volumes of available installs among competitors.
mobile app promotion
mobile app promotion
mobile app promotion
mobile app promotion
mobile app promotion
mobile app promotion
mobile app promotion
mobile app promotion
mobile app promotion
mobile app promotion
mobile app promotion
in 115 countries for iOS.
We are proud of the country and people who live in Ukraine!
Keyapp completely condemns the russian invasion to Ukraine and the start of the all-out war. We call to stop the war and any military actions in the country. A significant part of our team are Ukrainians and it is so painful for us to observe all the events the Ukrainian nation faces. We are doing everything possible at our side to stop the war and help Ukraine. Stop the war, stop the russian invasion and aggression.
Glory to Ukraine! Slava Ukraini!
We are proud of the country and people who live in Ukraine!
Keyapp completely condemns the russian invasion to Ukraine and the start of the all-out war. We call to stop the war and any military actions in the country. A significant part of our team are Ukrainians and it is so painful for us to observe all the events the Ukrainian nation faces. We are doing everything possible at our side to stop the war and help Ukraine. Stop the war, stop the russian invasion and aggression.
Glory to Ukraine! Slava Ukraini!

How your app will be on the TOP with is a platform and app promotion service for marketing in search. Order installs by certain keywords in the region you need to get organic growth, improve reputation and attract people who generate in app activity and income for you.
Promote your apps in Play Store search by the keywords you need to be TOP-1 in 200+ regions.
Keyword installs for Android
Get first installs for your application. Index your app in search with the installs by a direct link.
Direct installs for iOS and Android
Keyword installs for Android
Direct installs for iOS and Android
Improve your rates and apps' reputation with our reviews. Get 30 days guarantee for any order.
Rates & reviews with the guarantee
Rates & reviews with the guarantee
Promote your App Store application in the search. Combine your promotion with ASA.
Keyword installs for iOS
Keyword installs for iOS
Check keyword rank, score (search popularity index) and traffic (estimated max. daily searches by this keyword) for your app. Use keyword suggest tool and keyword rank history.
Free Mobile App Analytics
Cost-per-install campaign. Users will install your app only if they like it. That means you will attract people who generate in app activity and income for you.
CPI campaign
CPI campaign
Start app promotion with discount for first order
No credit-card required

Why Over 43,000 Customers Choose

Each client has his/her personal account. Use it to control each install and dollar you spend on promotion. Track current positions of your app by keywords and plan future campaigns with Drafts.
Analytics Control
You can earn money by recommending our service to other users. Once a user registers using your referral link you will receive 10% from all his payments for lifetime.
Referral program
Analytics Control
Referral program
Ask our Support to assign a Personal Manager to manage your account, create promotion strategies and keep your app at the TOP 3 of iOS or Android search.
Free Personal Support
Free Personal Support
Try CPI campaigns when your app can not be found be the keywords you want. These type of installs will help your app to get into index for desired keywords faster.
New Apps promotion
New Apps promotion
Use -50% for your first promotion. Do not miss our regular and season discounts.
Discounts and Plans
Discounts and Plans
Every client will be able to get a free top up of their account by completing sets of tasks and promoting our service on Youtube, related forums, Facebook post or Google Maps. Learn more
Bonus Program
Bonus Program
Check your ASO and Keyword Promotion Knowledge!
Receive our support team recommendation to take your expertise to the next level.

Fast track your way to promote apps

Buy keyword downloads from more than 200 regions to get rank growth and promotion in the App Store & Play Store search. Mix keyword installs from 2-3 common regions to reach high positions quicker. Check your price per install or sign up to never miss discounts on keyword installs, rates and reviews for your application.
Keyword install for Android
Direct install for Android
Keyword or Direct install for iOS
Get more info about Price Plans
$ 0,19
$ 0,18
$ 0,17
$ 0,16
$ 0,13
$ 0,12
for the first order
$ 0,14
$ 0,13
$ 0,12
$ 0,11
$ 0,10
$ 0,09
$ 0,35
$ 0,34
$ 0,33
$ 0,32
$ 0,30
$ 0,29

Prices for iOS & Android reviews with guarantee

Buy iOS and Android reviews and rates for your application. We guarantee that more than 80% of the reviews you order will stay on your app page for 30 days and longer. Otherwise, we refund you. Check the prices for our reviews. We provide them for any region available at Google Play and App Store.
per Android review
per iOS review

How to start keyword promotion

Register to create a personal cabinet. You can plan and track app promotion there.
Create your cabinet
Analyse what keywords you need. These may be your keywords, competitors' keywords or a complex keyword research. Read more about keywords and installs by them for iOS and Android.
Choose app keywords
Buy keyword downloads or direct installs creating a campaign by region, number of keywords for promotion and daily number of installs. Pay per install for the Android or iOS app you track in your console.
Promote with installs
Promote to reach high ranks and get maximum organic installs from App or Play Store search. Control app ranking at the Personal cabinet. Manage campaigns by keywords and analyze your positions' growth with our free keyword checker tools.
Be TOP 3 for your keywords
step 01
step 02
step 03
step 04
Free course on app keyword promotion for Google Play and AppStore

Customer reviews

We have been working with them for about a year and a half, promoting keywords and ordering some reviews. In terms of the quality of installs, I personally have no complaints about keyapp, all the applications that we promoted with them are still alive and there were no problems with them. Great job!
I used this service for a few months and I liked it. Our keyword ranks increased and the apps are in top 10 now. Impressed, thanks!
I'd like to share my opinion about such a wonderful service. I've got lots of new users and responses after using it. The service is clear, fast and understandable. If you are interested in rapid growth for your mobile application, feel free to contact Keyapp and sudscribe to such service.

Promote your apps at is a self-service platform. Our clients actively promote at least 400 apps daily and fix their products at the top of Google Play Store and Apple App Store search. But we are more than a platform where you can place your order. Our team analyses clients accounts and promotion dynamics to suggest better marketing tactics. If you are new to keyword collection, description writing and app promotion, write us any question you have to get a free suggestion or helping hand with making a first order at That is what your Manager can help you with right now:

  • Pick the best keyword for narrow promotion to beat your competitors this week;
  • Collect a complete keyword cloud to cover maximum organic search in all regions;
  • Prepare, launch promotion campaigns and make analytics reports for any order you start.

Find out how to promote your app starting with these answers first: