Check the prices!

Our price list for all services we provide. Learn the cost of installs for each region here!

Check the prices!

Our price list for all services we provide. Learn the cost of installs for each region here!

Price plans for iOS & Android keyword installs

Now you finally found the answer to the question: how to promote your app on Google Play and the App Store. Buy keyword installs for your application to achieve top positions in store searches. We offer a variety of pricing plans for different levels of spending: Base, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond.

Additionally, we have a API for resellers. It is designed for ASO and marketing agencies, as well as specialists with at least 4-5 regular clients to promote on our platform. Resellers can benefit from API access, a dedicated dashboard, contract-based payments, and favorable conditions.
Keyword install for Android
Direct install for Android
Keyword or Direct install for iOS
Get more info about Price Plans
for the first order
$ 0,19
$ 0,18
$ 0,17
$ 0,16
$ 0,13
$ 0,12
$ 0,14
$ 0,13
$ 0,12
$ 0,11
$ 0,10
$ 0,09
$ 0,35
$ 0,34
$ 0,33
$ 0,32
$ 0,30
$ 0,29

Prices for iOS & Android reviews with guarantee

Buy iOS and Android reviews and rates for your application. We guarantee that more than 80% of the reviews you order will stay on your app page for 30 days and longer. Otherwise, we refund you. Check the prices for our reviews. We provide them for any region available at Google Play and App Store.
per Android review
per iOS review

Questions you may have before you buy app installs:

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