Lean how to promote your app and get more installs from search

Keyapp gives you top positions in search by keywords for iOS and Android applications. Find out how to increase app downloads worldwide.

Keyapp promotes iOS and Android applications by keywords

We promote by search requests. It means that when users search for words and phrases related to your product, they will see your app at some 10th positions in the search.

New applications do not have keywords in the index, so we help your iOS and Android apps to be seen in the search at least. We do it with direct installs.

As soon as your app will get first ranks, we create keyword campaigns and push you to the top.
For new applications
We promote by search requests. It means that when users search for words and phrases related to your product, they will see your app at some 10th positions in the search.

New applications do not have keywords in the index, so we help your iOS and Android apps to be seen in the search at least. We do it with direct installs.

As soon as your app will get first ranks, we create keyword campaigns and push you to the top.
If your application has been promoted and has in-app activity from real users, it should be in search for some keywords it is related with. We help to promote by these words and phrases to the top of Google Play and App Store.

Even some experienced ASO managers do not know how to promote by keywords correctly. We will help you to make an easy and safe start with keyword installs at keyapp.top.

Send us your app's link and what specific results you want to achieve with keyword promotion. We will help you with planning and results estimation.
For applications with history
If your application has been promoted and has in-app activity from real users, it should be in search for some keywords it is related with. We help to promote by these words and phrases to the top of Google Play and App Store.

Even some experienced ASO managers do not know how to promote by keywords correctly. We will help you to make an easy and safe start with keyword installs at keyapp.top.

Send us your app's link and what specific results you want to achieve with keyword promotion. We will help you with planning and results estimation.
Check your ASO and Keyword Promotion Knowledge!
Receive our support team recommendation to take your expertise to the next level.

What region do you need to promote your app? We have 38 of them

Keyapp promotes in 200+ regions, so you can place your iOS or Android app at the top of search by all keywords in the most popular countries. Check current prices for different Price Plans. First campaign is -50% cheaper for newcomers. Put the order with a discount to see first results in some 3-4 days.
Keyword install for Android
Direct install for Android
Keyword or Direct install for iOS
Get more info about Price Plans
$ 0,19
$ 0,18
$ 0,17
$ 0,16
$ 0,13
$ 0,12
for the first order
$ 0,14
$ 0,13
$ 0,12
$ 0,11
$ 0,10
$ 0,09
$ 0,35
$ 0,34
$ 0,33
$ 0,32
$ 0,30
$ 0,29

I know the region I want to promote my app. So where to start?

For new applications
For applications with history
● Make sure that your main updates for this application are done. At least for the promotion time. With each update Google Play or App Store algorithm will recalculate your app's position by keywords, so you can lose some 4-5 rankings.

● Divide all keywords into groups by meaning, possible users intention and relevance for your product. Choose the groups particularly for each region. Why should you do so? For example, some keywords are super expensive in the USA. "vpn' keyword may require 3-4,000$ to reach the top positions. But "vpn application free" will be less competitive and more affordable, so you should group the words and phrases like this exclusively for the USA.

● Run a 4-days long campaign with direct installs, if you do not see your app ranked by keywords in Smart Campaign. Spend from 75 to 200 installs in total.

● When your keywords get into index (your app becomes visible in search for certain words and phrases) launch campaigns with these keywords. We suggest you to consult our team and get your Personal Manager before going any further.
● Make sure that your main updates for this application are done. At least for the promotion time. With each update Google Play or App Store algorithm will recalculate your app's position by keywords, so you can lose some 4-5 rankings.

● Divide all keywords into groups by meaning, possible users intention and relevance for your product. Choose the groups particularly for each region. Why should you do so? For example, some keywords are super expensive in the USA. "vpn' keyword may require 3-4,000$ to reach the top positions. But "vpn application free" will be less competitive and more affordable, so you should group the words and phrases like this exclusively for the USA.

● Run a 4-days long campaign with direct installs, if you do not see your app ranked by keywords in Smart Campaign. Spend from 75 to 200 installs in total.

● When your keywords get into index (your app becomes visible in search for certain words and phrases) launch campaigns with these keywords. We suggest you to consult our team and get your Personal Manager before going any further.
● You probably already have keywords in index and done all core changes to your application. Take a final look at your title and subtitle: add most relevant keywords there before you promote your app. It is better to do no changes to these app page elements while promoting the application.

● Check if you are in the index for your keywords at the Smart Campaign section of keyapp.top or add all your keyword cloud to the My Keywords.

● Start with screening. We can not calculate the exact amount of the installs per keyword and estimate the dynamics of positions' growth for each keyword. Application ranking depends on hundreds of factors while we influence only 4-5 of them. So, with screening we will understand these dynamics exactly for the app.

● Order 10-15 installs for 3-4 days per each keyword ranking in 150-200 positions and higher. If you try to promote keywords with lover rank, they may get out for the second day and return into index same week.
● You probably already have keywords in index and done all core changes to your application. Take a final look at your title and subtitle: add most relevant keywords there before you promote your app. It is better to do no changes to these app page elements while promoting the application.

● Check if you are in the index for your keywords at the Smart Campaign section of keyapp.top or add all your keyword cloud to the My Keywords.

● Start with screening. We can not calculate the exact amount of the installs per keyword and estimate the dynamics of positions' growth for each keyword. Application ranking depends on hundreds of factors while we influence only 4-5 of them. So, with screening we will understand these dynamics exactly for the app.

● Order 10-15 installs for 3-4 days per each keyword ranking in 150-200 positions and higher. If you try to promote keywords with lover rank, they may get out for the second day and return into index same week.

Improve your app reputation with iOS and Android rates & reviews

While you promote your app by keywords in search, think about improving your app reputation too. With positive reviews and higher rates, your applications bring more conversions into install from the app page visits. A better reputation also guarantees quicker promotion in the market search and by category.

Buy rates and reviews from any region on keyapp.top platform. Reviews and rates you order will stay 30 days or more. Otherwise, we refund the order.

Start a full scale campaign and promote your application in big numbers

For new applications
For applications with history
New applications do not have the most competitive and relevant keyword on top of the search. So, the basic strategy will be common for promotion of the whole keyword cloud.

Creare 4-5 days campaigns with 10-15 installs per each keyword. As soon as keywords get into 20th positions of the search, you should increase a daily amount of installs for them in 1.5 times per 2-3 days.

So, you may create a big campaign for 15-20 keywords at first and launch it. Some keywords will get into 20th within the first 4 days. Stop the current campaign, take those keywords into a group and create a separate order with 1.5 increase per 2 days for them. Add the rest of the words into phrases back into 1 campaign and continue their promotion.

You will repeat these promotion strategies with different keyword groups till you get into reasonable positions to receive organic traffic.
New applications do not have the most competitive and relevant keyword on top of the search. So, the basic strategy will be common for promotion of the whole keyword cloud.

Creare 4-5 days campaigns with 10-15 installs per each keyword. As soon as keywords get into 20th positions of the search, you should increase a daily amount of installs for them in 1.5 times per 2-3 days.

So, you may create a big campaign for 15-20 keywords at first and launch it. Some keywords will get into 20th within the first 4 days. Stop the current campaign, take those keywords into a group and create a separate order with 1.5 increase per 2 days for them. Add the rest of the words into phrases back into 1 campaign and continue their promotion.

You will repeat these promotion strategies with different keyword groups till you get into reasonable positions to receive organic traffic.
You have keywords with different positions and promotion history. Split them all into 3 categories:

● words and phrases in 20th and higher;
● those in 200-20th positions;
● keywords you tried to push up, but you see no growth.

The strategy for the words at 20th position and higher will be pretty simple: make campaigns with 1,5 installs growth and increase their daily numbers slowly and smoothly till you get into top 3.

For 200-20th positions you should promote each keyword with 10-15 installs daily till they get into 20th ranks.

Keywords you tried to push up with no success need a more precise analysis. We can do it for free for you. Contact our support or Personal Manager and get a plan for promotion. We can not get a common recommendation for the words and phrases that do not grow in ranks right now as there can be many reasons for it. We will analyse your mobile application promotion history, keyword cloud and test out what number of installs you will need to grow in ranks.
You have keywords with different positions and promotion history. Split them all into 3 categories:

● words and phrases in 20th and higher;
● those in 200-20th positions;
● keywords you tried to push up, but you see no growth.

The strategy for the words at 20th position and higher will be pretty simple: make campaigns with 1,5 installs growth and increase their daily numbers slowly and smoothly till you get into top 3.

For 200-20th positions you should promote each keyword with 10-15 installs daily till they get into 20th ranks.

Keywords you tried to push up with no success need a more precise analysis. We can do it for free for you. Contact our support or Personal Manager and get a plan for promotion. We can not get a common recommendation for the words and phrases that do not grow in ranks right now as there can be many reasons for it. We will analyse your mobile application promotion history, keyword cloud and test out what number of installs you will need to grow in ranks.

Keywords at the top, how to track the results?

When first keywords get into top positions, you will get organic installs plus to the incentive downloads you have already paid for. For example, you order 20 installs per day, and your keyword is at 3d position. Search Console shows that you get 50 installs from search by the same keyword. With simple math you see that 30 installs are organic, while 20 are ordered for promotion.

When you promote your application by words and phrases with app installs, try to use two analytics only. If you promote with keyword installs at our platform, use its data and compare it with your app's Console. If you use 3-4 analytics at the same time, you will get distracted by data discrepancies: different planforms use various formulas and methods of data collection and calculation. Try to rely on your Console information, as it is the most precise one.

Do remember that Google play console provides final updates on the number of installs will be shown in 2 or 3 days, while App Store provides information the same day.

Do not know where to start app promotion?

Get a free app analysis and ASO consultation on how to promote your application. Your personal Manager will help you with keyword analysis, competitors search and a plan to get more installs from top positions in search. Will contact you in any time slot convenient for you.