high quality app reviews

Order Android and iOS reviews with a 30 days guarantee!

We added a new type of review to our platform. You can now buy app reviews that stay longer on your app’s page. Keyapp.top guarantees that high-quality reviews stay 30 days and longer. When you place an order, we promise that more than 80% of the reviews will stay after the order is finished. We do these reviews with a 5-star rating, so more of the reviews stay on the market.

How to make these reviews stay forever on your app page?

  • Prepare original texts that reflect users’ experience with your product. Write in your main keywords but omit spam words, promo codes, and special symbols. Texts should be unique, simple, and without span.
  • Do not order a lot of reviews a day. Spread the reviews throughout 5-7 days, with some 5-10 reviews a day. 
  • Combine reviews orders with traffic acquisition. When you order 10 reviews, launch a Facebook or Google Ads campaign with some 200-250 acquired users per day from the same region you order reviews. Our reputation management will look natural and more reviews will stay in place. 
  • Like and comment on the reviews in 4-5 days’ time. Respond to the reviews you ordered on our platform.

What can your app achieve with our reviews?

  • Better rating and reputation. With a higher mark, you get a better chance to promote and become at the top of your category on the market. At the same time, a better reputation means a higher CR (conversion rate) into download from the app page.
  • Additional keywords in the index. You can write texts with your relevant search requests or brand names of your competitors. Follow our guides, so you do not risk your reviews overspamming your texts. 
  • Our reviews do not ruin your application. More than 80% of the reviews you order from us will stay on the app page. It means that you will need fewer incentive reviews, and your manipulations will look less suspicious for the market algorithm.

How to place the review order?

Go to “Add reviews High Quality” and place an order. Choose your number of reviews per day. 5-10 installs per day will be an optimal number for an application in any region. Pick the region and upload the texts. We can write the texts for you if you do not have them. 

We need to make some preparations before we actually review your texts and place the feedback about your product. It will take up to 24 hours. Keep in touch with your Personal Manager or ask our Support Team to assign one. He or she will help you with orders and promotions.

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