As we have already discussed previously in one of our articles, promotion process, as well as algorithm work, on Google Play and AppStore differ a lot, so in this article we decided to show some cases particularly of iOS apps boost, so to show that it is possible to to get top ranks even on AppStore in different app categories.
It is needed to mention, that keyword boost on AppStore may be more difficult because of the next reasons:
- more installs are needed to push the app for the keyword to top
- the competitiveness in popular regions (for example, the US) may be higher than for Google Play.
Please note that it is just an approximate strategy for different keywords and regions, as it is needed to remember that every application is unique, so its story of promotion will be unique as well. Despite this, for each app there are the same factors that influence the app boost, and success of promotion.
- in-app activity
- application history
- app page quality
- organic installs amount
- current ranks of relevant keywords
The first app we worked with is from the category “Photo & Video”. The app was promoted in Great Britain for the keyword “reel maker”. The position we have started from was 21st, the keyword popularity – 33 what maked it the keyword of middle competitiveness. First of all, we see that the app was almost in top 20 for the request where the competitiveness is already higher, so we decided to set 100 for 1 day to check the keyword position reaction to promotion. With this amount of installs we managed to achieve the 4th rank, so as our main aim was to get top 5, we didn’t increase the daily amount further, just decided to create a campaign to keep the position setting 20-30 installs daily. As a result, we managed to keep the position, what can be seen from the graphic below.

he next app we worked with was from the category “Business” and the keyword we were focused on – “cv maker”. In this case the aim was to try to achieve top 3 in the US. The starting position of the app was 25th, and the keyword score is 31, what makes it middle-frequency keyword. We analyzed the statistics of changes of the rank as well as the previous keyword campaigns conducted and decided that we would start with 75 installs daily to check the keyword reaction. With this amount we managed to achieve top 6 for the keyword what can be seen on the graphic.

As our main aim was top 3, in several days we decided to continue the promotion and increase the daily amount of installs to 125. With this amount we managed to get top 2 and at this stage the app still keeps this rank already with organic downloads.

The next app is from the “Finance” category. The app was promoted for the keyword “secure wallet” in Canada. The position we started from was 16th and the main aim was to achieve exactly top 1 for this request. The keyword popularity is 42 which makes it already the request of high-frequency. As the application was already in top 20 for the popular keyword, we decided that it is needed to start with 100+ installs. As you may see from the graphic, we achieved top 1 within 1 day, but then didn’t stop the installs, and added 40 daily during a week to keep the position. The rank is fixed and now the app already keeps it with organic downloads.

The last example we would like to show is for app from “Productivity” category. The keywords we worked with is “ad blocker” in the US. The starting rank of the app for this keyword was 79 and the keyword popularity is 56, so it is already a high-frequency search request. As the start position is quite low, we decided that there is no need to start with high amount of installs and used 40 installs daily for the 1st campaign. With such an approach, we managed to increase the rank to 33 what can be seen on the graphic.

After this we increased the daily amount of installs for approximately 40% and used already 60 installs daily for the next campaign. After that we managed to get top 20 for the keyword.

To boost the app to top 5 we set a new campaign and used 120 installs daily for the 1st day and 150 for the 2nd. As a result, the app hit top 3 for this request what can be seen on the following screenshot.

As you may see with the examples provided, the most important thing in iOS promotion is to use more installs as you do for Google Play if you have promoted Android applications before and try to make short campaigns, as there is no need to set 5-7 days as we do for Google Play. One more method which can help to make the promotion successful is to set the campaign to keep the position. Usually, 30-40% of the amount used previously should be enough.
Anyway, if you have any questions or need help with the strategy for your iOS application keyword boost, contact our support team or your personal manager. We can tell much more secrets about keyword promotion!