Increase app installs using keyword promotion: Case Study

Organic traffic, which is the most beneficial source of app installs due to its higher user loyalty and lower acquisition costs than paid user acquisition (UA), has become more challenging to attract in competitive app markets like Google Play and App Store. Nowadays, a diverse marketing strategy is crucial for reaching organic users, with using keyword installs being one of the most successful tactics to accomplish this goal.

Keyapp, with over 9 years of experience in keyword promotion and promoting numerous apps, has a considerable number of case studies available to assist in selecting the optimal strategy for various app categories and stores. Specifically focusing on the promotion of horoscopes and tarot reading apps, which are among the most fiercely contested niches on app platforms, we observe a significant number of competing apps for the relevant keywords in this category. Additionally, there is a high volume of search queries that can be promoted when examining the search results for this particular app category, so let’s consider some last promotional cases we have had in this niche. 

Why horoscope and tarot reading apps are so popular on Google Play? 

The reasons this type of app is popular among users are quite obvious:

  • Interest in astrology and mysticism is widespread, attracting many people who seek insights into their lives, personalities, and futures through practices like tarot and divination. This interest often stems from a desire for guidance, comfort, or simply curiosity about the unknown.
  • The digital format of these readings makes them easily accessible and immediate for users, allowing them to check their horoscope or receive a tarot reading at any time and from any location, eliminating the need to consult a professional astrologer or tarot reader.
  • Many horoscope and tarot apps feature interactive elements such as daily notifications, quizzes, and detailed reports to keep users engaged and encourage them to revisit the app, forming a habit regularly.

At the same time, do not forget that due to the facts mentioned above, horoscope and tarot reading apps are often the choice of app developers as

  • These apps attract highly engaged users who regularly check their horoscopes or tarot readings, leading to an increase in app usage metrics like daily active users and session length, which can be appealing to developers wanting to build a loyal user base.
  • Horoscope and tarot reading apps are relatively easy to develop compared to other types of apps. The main content, such as daily horoscopes or tarot card readings, can be automatically generated or based on existing data, reducing the need for complex features or frequent updates.
  • These apps typically adopt a freemium model, with basic content available for free and premium features, personalized readings, or ad-free experiences offered at a cost. This monetization strategy, along with in-app purchase opportunities and potential ad revenue, appeals financially to developers.

The basics of keyword promotion on Google Play: buy keyword installs effectively

  • Recently Google Play has quite a lot of updates which makes us apply new strategies for promotion. As you know from our previous articles, usually we recommend setting up quite long campaigns for this store using low volumes of keyword installs, but for now, a new tendency is observed – Google has started to react quite positively to the campaigns with a lower number of days and higher volumes of installs. So the conclusion is that for now, you can try to set the campaigns for 3-4 days with volumes starting from 40-50 instead of 10-15 even for low ranks. 
  • Try to promote several keywords with the same core word together – despite the fact of Google algorithm change, this method still works and gives better results compared to the campaigns where only one keyword is promoted. 
  • Give the ranks the time for an update – as we mentioned previously, the algorithm changes all the time, so for now it is observed that Google requires a longer period of time to update the positions after all the installs are delivered. So if you see that only a couple of days after the order has passed, do not hurry up to make the final estimation of results, the rank update may last for up to 10 days now. 

Case Study: Increase app installs for horoscope and tarot readings apps

Finally, let’s consider some precise examples of the results we managed to achieve using keyword installs. In the next examples, we would like you to pay to keywords, regions, and strategies that were promoted and used to get the described results. At the same time, we recommend you pay attention to the number of installs and days in the campaign and how many positions the app increased in search for.

The first application we worked with was a horoscope app promoted in the US. As it is known, the US is the competitive region as most app developers understand the value of users from this geo and are trying to reach top ranks exactly in this country so ASO is not enough here to get high positions. By the way, if you are looking for a guide for ASO on Google Play and AppStore, pay attention to our article where we mention all the steps to follow to proceed with optimization in the most effective way. As you may see from the provided examples, the keywords promoted were of high and middle popularity so the strategy used should have been adjusted to these factors as well. 

The first keyword we worked with is “horoscope” being the most popular, relevant, and competitive request in this niche. The position the app occupied before was 250, so that was the very end of the search list. If to be honest,  when you see that your app has such low ranks for good relevant keywords, try to take them to the promotion at once, so as to be able to fix the rank at least in the top 100 and then already start adding higher volumes for boost to the top of the search list. As we mentioned above, now it is worth trying different strategies for Google Play keyword promotion, so in this particular case, we decided to set the campaign for 2 days using an equal volume of keyword installs daily, 150, total delivering 300 keyword installs. As a result, the application increased in rank to the top 3 in 5 days after the campaign finished – that’s actually the fact we mentioned, for now, that’s recommended to wait a longer period of time to get the final result of the keyword promotion.

The next keyword we managed to increase in ranks is “horoscope free”. On Google Play this is the keyword of middle competitiveness, so in the US the promotion for this request can be a kind of difficult task as well. As both keywords were promoted in one campaign, the strategy chosen was the same – the 2-day campaign, but the volumes used daily were lower due to the fact of lower competitiveness, so we used 100 installs daily. As it is seen from the screenshot, the starting rank of the app for this request was 242 and with this particular campaign, we managed to achieve the top 1 in 5 days after the order finished.

Let’s focus our attention on the next app from the tarot reading niche. In this case, we would like to show the example of promotion in the US as well as this shows the effectiveness of app installs. Promoting the following app we worked with a quite long list of keywords, trying to boost them simultaneously according to the recommended strategy for Google Play. In general, we managed to push all the promoted keywords, but we would like to show the results for the most traffic ones to give an understanding of how to work with such requests. 

The first promoted keyword was “tarot”. That’s obvious that this request is the most traffic in this category, so as you may see from the screenshot we used a similar strategy – the campaign of 3 days with equal volumes daily. For this request, we delivered 150 keyword installs per 1 day of the campaign. As a result, we managed to increase the rank from 210 to the top 1 in 4 days after the campaign finished.

The next keyword we worked with was “tarot reading” being the 2nd most popular in this app category. As you may see, we have started from a low rank as well, as the app occupied the 245th position before the keyword promotion. The strategy used was the same, a 3-day campaign and 150 installs daily per keyword. As a result, the app achieved the top in 4 days as well.

Let’s quickly check the results for the same app but for the keywords of lower popular, long-tailed ones. All these keywords occupied ranks lower than 50 and were promoted using the same strategy – 3 days and 100 installs daily.


As you can see, even though the Google Play algorithm is changing all the time, we manage successfully to adjust the strategies we recommend to our clients to be able to provide the best results and help your apps occupy top ranks for different keywords. At the same time, if you hesitate to promote the keywords of high and middle competitiveness, do not be afraid to contact our support team, we will create the best strategy for you and help attract more organic traffic from the search in any needed region.

My way in keywords promotion and ASO started more than 3 years ago. At this stage I work closely with different app categories and have an experience in keywords promotion both of Android and iOS apps.
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