Buying Ads (Facebook, Adwords, Instagram, etc.) For App Promotion: Is It Worth It?

So, let’s discuss one of the most interesting topics in app marketing! Is buying ads on such popular platforms like Facebook really effective to promote your app? What should we know before ordering? Let’s find out!

Facebook is one of the best places to advertise. It offers incredibly precise targeting options to help advertisers reach high-value audiences that will install an app and keep it on their device. Facebook targeting is around 90% accurate. In addition, Facebook targeting is based on user’s location, demographics, likes, and interests So the key here – hyper-targeting improves retention.
Do you have a website for your app? If not, we recommend you create one. A website is very important for Facebook ads. Installing a Facebook pixel on your website will allow you to retarget people who visit your website, with Facebook ads.
What about Adwords?

For app developers, Google has such offer as app install ads. They are designed to show on devices where they’ll have the most impact. When you create a new campaign to promote your mobile app, your ads show only on phones and tablets. App install ads (formerly click-to-download ads) are the easiest and most effective way to drive downloads. You can run these ads across search and display using the App/digital content ad format. Creating an Adwords campaign you can integrate your ads into Youtube videos. Youtube gives you an option of display ads and video ads. Video ads cost the most and are a great option for serious branding as it has a huge daily traffic.

The other platform to consider is Instagram. We know that Instagram has a high user engagement. Ads display only on mobile users’ feeds and look pretty much like standard posts. Instagram ads are focused on visuals, they are beautiful and eye-catching.What is important is that you can do the same kind of advanced targeting like on Facebook. These ads are used mostly by games, shopping and entertainment app advertisers. If you find a way to catch users’ attention, this is a perfect fit for mobile app install ads.
But! Before you start spending your advertising budget on Instagram ads, you should make sure that your audience/customer base is on Instagram. If it’s really not then it’s not going to work out.

When you start promoting your app with different ads our advice is not to pay lots of money for certain ads until you explore all the platforms and figure out what works for you.

In conclusion, we must say that you should always remember the fact that most organic installs go from search requests in Google Play Store. When the ad campaign is over, the downloads will stop. But, if you use a combination of paid ads on Facebook etc. and paid keyword installs to boost your ranks in Google Play Store your app will rank higher in search even when the ad campaign is over. As a result, your app will keep getting organic downloads from app store searches long after you stop spending money.

We are glad to offer you the best keyword promotion service on our site to get your app to the very top positions!


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